What we expect from our client

  • Information– We expect you to keep us informed about your career, interests, audience, any challenges and short- and long-term goals. Our responsibility is to know your industry, its trends and media, and remain current, so we can remain proactive- and not reactive!
  • Access– Certainly the materials, plans, research reports and other information you provide will be helpful. But those are not substitutes for dialogue with you and key individuals and your management. We expect to be able to contact you, and have our calls returned in a timely manner.
  • Lead Time– We will respond to critical matters quickly and thoughtfully. Providing us with as much lead or response time as you can enables us to provide you with the best!
  • Clarity– We need clear direction and to know your expectations for short and long term goals. We need to ensure mutual agreement on the desired results and our objectives.
  • Honest Feedback– We encourage you to advise us in a timely manner whether, in your opinion, our efforts are quality and “on the mark”. We will also share with you all progress from our perspective. This exchange will allow us to jointly monitor our course and make any corrections to keep your growth and success on target.

When you succeed, we succeed!